Children of Bodom are one of the few metal bands who
actually sound like they’re having fun being a metal band. Not that other bands
aren’t having fun, but how many other
bands use keyboards as giddily, or scream lyrics as hilariously straight
forward as Bodom?(A real lyric: “Would you ever really think that I dug you, hit
me with a shovel if I do,” from the just as humorously/awesomely named
“Shovel Knockout.”) They never reach Iced Earth or Blind Guardian levels of
cheese (of which I’m grateful), but there is a lightness to Bodom that’s
refreshing. Because any humor and lack of pretense is a rarity in the metal
scene, their latest album, Halo Of Blood, is a bit of a letdown. It’s not a terrible
record, but here they play a little “heavier” and more seriously than in the past
and in the meantime lose what makes them unique.
Lead single “Transference” is a good example of the album as
a whole. The bridge has a neat syncopated riff, and the melodic guitar in the
chorus is pretty cool, but that rush that marks the best Bodom tracks is absent.
It’s the same with most songs on the album. While Halo of Blood is just as
technical, it isn’t as “relentless and reckless” as past records. Rather, it feels more heavy and serious, like
they needed to prove they’re a real
metal band and not just a talented group of musicians having fun. Just listen to the Spotify album commentary
and count how many times they call a song “super dark” or “super heavy.” Good for them for achieving their vision, but I just wish that along with being
“dark” and “heavy” they added “fun” as a priority.
There are a few moments that remind listeners of classic Bodom
quality, like opening track “Waste of Skin” and “Bodom Blue Moon,” but songs
like “Damage Beyond Repair,” “Halo of Blood,” and “Scream for Silence,” while
strong, lack the hooks and breathlessness of just about every song on Hate
Crew Deathroll. It also doesn’t help that they only ever play loud and busy,
without ever holding back so that they can hit full speed again with increased
impact. That’s par for the course with Bodom, but it’s more of a problem here
since the playfulness that used to engage is missing.
So while most of the songs are acceptable, if unremarkable, “Dead
Man’s Hand on You” hits a career low.
Guitarist and vocalist Alexi Laiho does this weird croak, rasp thing
with his voice that sounds like the ghost chick from “The Grudge” just woke up
from a bender. Put bluntly, it sounds stupid, which is a shame because the song
breaks Bodom tradition by utilizing some very nice piano and clean guitar in
the verse. It’s great to see them try out new ideas, but those vocals just suck, and it doesn’t help that with its
sluggish tempo, it’s the longest song on the album. Just skip this one, you’re not missing
So depending on why you enjoy listening to Children of
Bodom, you’ll either walk away from Halo of Blood satisfied or
disappointed. If you just like how Laiho and co. can maneuver around their
instruments, then you’ll no doubt be pleased. They play just as fast as they
ever have. If, however, you were attracted to their gleeful bombast and lack of
adherence to typical metal seriousness, then you’re better off listening to
past records Follow the Reaper or Hate Crew Deathroll.
- Greg
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